search engine marketing

More and more, mobile devices are influencing the way companies perform search engine marketing. Each year, internet users conduct more and Google searches using smartphones. In response, Google is in the ongoing process of altering its search engine ranking system to favor mobile sites.

Companies can and should adjust their SEO strategies to keep up with the changing times. However, mobile marketing isn’t always intuitive. Just because a website manager has found success with certain SEO strategies in the past doesn’t mean those strategies will continue to work. As Google shifts towards mobile-first indexing, common SEO tactics should shift as well.

Keep up with the times, and ensure you’re using the best mobile marketing strategies available. To keep your rankings high and your audience engaged, avoid the following all-too-common mobile marketing mistakes:

Mistake #1: Focusing Too Much on Apps

Smart phone apps are a powerful and relatively new way to conveniently reach consumers. However, spending too much time and effort developing an application can be a big mistake, especially if it takes resources away from your overall strategy. After all, many consumers don’t download the applications from even their favorite retailers. It may be better to focus on honing your mobile site and increasing local keyword optimization.

Also, don’t abandon non-mobile marketing efforts– after all, general content marketing still generates 3 times more leads than traditional outbound marketing while costing 62% less than other types. When it comes to mobile marketing, only focus on app development if it makes sense for your product or service.

Mistake #2: Not Educating Your Audience

Another fatal mistake in mobile search engine marketing is failing to let customers know about exclusive mobile offers. Your customers can’t enjoy your SMS messaging coupon campaign if you never tell them about it, and they’ll be even less likely to download an app they don’t know exists. Be sure to use current in-store and online marketing channels to guide customers to your mobile opportunities.

Mistake #3: Failing to Personalize

Smart phones are very personal devices– they help us communicate with those we most care about, they collect memories through photos, and many of us even sleep next to our phones. As such, your mobile marketing should be personalized as well. Even steps as simple as including your user’s name in notifications can help your mobile marketing be more successful.

Mobile marketing strategy, like all internet and search engine marketing strategies, is ephemeral. Use this guide to keep up with the times and maintain a strong connection with your on-the-go audience. With personalization, education, and a healthy relationship with apps, your mobile strategy can help keep your brand relevant.