Pay per click marketing is a rising digital marketing technique, but it can be tricky to get right. When your ad pops up on the top of the search results, you want it to be well crafted enough so that a potential customer clicks on it. Unfortunately, many businesses make small mistakes that let their pay per click management slip. The following are just some of the most common errors that your business might be making with your PPC marketing.
You are skipping geo-targeting keywords
Remember that Google allows marketers to target PPC ads by state, so you should be targeting these search terms when applicable. While this is especially true for local businesses, national businesses can target multiple geo-locations to reach a wider audience.
You are forgetting mobile searches
Studies show that mobile devices make up 52% of paid search clicks. So, by forgetting mobile users, you could be missing out on half of your potential customers. One of the up and coming ways to attract mobile users is to target personal electronic assistant keywords. So when someone says “taco restaurant near me” to Siri through their iPhone, you are already one step ahead.
You are only satisfied with the top spot
When it comes to pay per click marketing, ranking at the top of the search results may not be critical. In fact, many experts believe that the third spot is the ideal place to be. This is because it’s closest to the organic search results. And in some search formats, this will put you firmly in the middle of the options.
Your ad copy is boring
You have a small amount of space for your PPC ad, so it pays to make it count. Workshop your copy multiple times, choosing text that is timely and snappy. Seasonal messaging can also be highly effective since it reminds users of a need that may otherwise stay in the back of their minds.
As with other aspects of your digital marketing strategy, your pay per click ads may take trial and error to get right. Pay attention to analytics and make adjustments as necessary. Once you hit that sweet spot of increasing lead generation, take a look at what you are doing right. This can guide the rest of your strategy.