Digital Marketing Blog Las Vegas

17 03, 2020

Work From Home Tips To Help Your Company Survive The Coronavirus

2020-03-17T18:05:03+00:00March 17th, 2020|Online marketing|Comments Off on Work From Home Tips To Help Your Company Survive The Coronavirus

The CDC’s recommendation to socially distance yourself from gatherings of 50 people or more during the Coronavirus outbreak has spun many businesses into a situation that they hadn’t had [...]

10 02, 2020

What Is a Backlink and Why Do You Need That for Your Website?

2020-01-24T22:44:26+00:00February 10th, 2020|Online marketing|Comments Off on What Is a Backlink and Why Do You Need That for Your Website?

Did you know that backlinks are one of the three most important Google ranking factors? Furthermore, about 75 percent of search engine optimization (SEO) is off-page — and that includes [...]

3 02, 2020

Organic SEO Services vs Local SEO Services: What’s the Difference?

2020-01-21T00:11:36+00:00February 3rd, 2020|Online marketing|Comments Off on Organic SEO Services vs Local SEO Services: What’s the Difference?

More than 50 percent of website traffic comes from search and 80 percent of consumers use search to find local information. Local and organic SEO services are critical if you want [...]

27 01, 2020

Adjusting Digital Marketing to Fit the Seasons of Your Business

2020-01-20T23:18:15+00:00January 27th, 2020|Online marketing|1 Comment

Deloitte predicted that the 2019 holiday season would bring in more than $1.1 trillion. For many retail businesses, November to January is their best season.  But what happens when the [...]

10 12, 2019

5 Business and Marketing Automation Tools For 2020

2019-12-10T00:08:24+00:00December 10th, 2019|Online marketing|Comments Off on 5 Business and Marketing Automation Tools For 2020

You started a new company. You're building an online presence. You don't have many fans or posts on social media. And, you only have three people working under you.  [...]

12 11, 2019

Know Your Customer’s Needs Before They Do: 3 Research Tools

2019-11-13T00:35:56+00:00November 12th, 2019|Online marketing|Comments Off on Know Your Customer’s Needs Before They Do: 3 Research Tools

How would your marketing change if you could know your customers thoughts? Have you ever jumped into a marketing campaign convinced that it would work, but didn’t put any [...]

15 10, 2019

What Commonly Used Internet Term Do We Owe To Monty Python?

2024-08-22T21:01:14+00:00October 15th, 2019|Online marketing|Comments Off on What Commonly Used Internet Term Do We Owe To Monty Python?

This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the absurdly brilliant sketches and movies from Monty Python.  For this celebration, I encourage anyone reading this to brush up on your silly [...]

7 10, 2019

Why Is Everyone Talking About Facebook Messenger Bots? And How Can They Help Your Business

2019-09-27T22:56:26+00:00October 7th, 2019|Online marketing|1 Comment

Have you chatted with a robot lately? Well, if you interacted with a company or brand on Facebook recently, then there's a good chance that you did just that. There are over [...]